

Intent: The aims and objectives of the policy are to stimulate and promote children’s curiosity and understanding of natural phenomena in our world so that they will develop a lifelong love of Science. The school’s Catholic ethos strives to create a stimulating learning environment to ensure that every child from all backgrounds is encouraged and enabled to develop to their full and unique potential as human beings, made in the image and likeness of God. Children are taught tolerance, understanding and a commitment to supporting each other within lessons and when working collaboratively. We are committed to promoting resilience amongst our pupils to work independently. The children will learn specific skills, vocabulary and knowledge to think scientifically as well as understanding scientific processes.

At St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, we recognise that all children have rights as outlined in the UN Convention. As duty bearers, we have the responsibility to respect these rights and are committed to supporting our children through their education and to ensure that they are rights-holders. 


Implementation: Science teaching offers children the opportunity to examine spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of life based on the Catholic Ethos. These will include the amazing processes that affect living things, the evolution of living things, how life was created and promote a sense of awe and wonder regarding the nature of our world. Also, science raises moral and social questions regarding, for example, views on smoking and implication for health, using the world’s natural resources, the difference in peoples and their ways of life in our world. 


Impact: Children will build on their prior knowledge, developing scientific vocabulary and skills that will enable them to follow lines of individual enquiry and to dig deeper into a subject. They will acquire a love of science and have high aspirations for what they are able to achieve, leading to further study, academic success and a knowledge of science that will equip them for adult life.